Thursday, February 7, 2013

Return to Arnhem Land

In this blog we cover an update of what is happening amongst the Yolngu people, recent outreaches we have done, our return to NZ for five weeks towards the end of March, update on my medical evacuation out of South Sudan, and our shift to Nhulunbuy from Yirrkala.

Update on what God is doing in Arnhem Land.

The taking of a boy by a crocodile opened the door for us to come and teach the Word of God in a community that has
never had an outreach before
The most encouraging part of returning is to see that the current move of God does not seem to be dissipating at all. The last revival in the 1970's did not last as long as this current move. If anything it seems stronger than when we left. 

This is a critical time for Arnhem Land. Mistakes were made in the last revival, that caused it to fail after 4 years. It is true that God starts revival but the church must maintain that revival. The church in Arnhem Land is at this time most closely resembled by the Corinthian church. Problems of division and wrong concepts of spiritual truths, as well as cultural difficulties afflict the Yolngu, as it did with the church of Corinth. That more was written in the Bible to the Corinthian church than any other church reflects the need for the next phase in Arnhem Land. This phase is solid teaching of spiritual truths relevant to their culture, but with a spiritual authority that will stand against the onslaught of witchcraft and syncretism that would try and bring this people back into their destructive old ways. Mission Aviation Fellowship have been at the forefront of working with Yolngu church leaders in spreading the gospel and in presenting the gospel in a manner that will be accepted by all generations. It seems that the miraculous is still very present and not lifting at all, as sometimes happens in other revivals.

Rev's Sam and Graeme teaching their church on unity
  • Please pray as we look at ways of bringing the Word of God to more people in a powerful way, but to more people at once, so as to counter false teaching, that always arise when there is a genuine move of God. 
  • Pray that God will endorse the Word of God, with signs and wonders.

Recent outreaches.
Coreisha was crippled when we left for
South Sudan, she can now walk
Within a fortnight of our arrival Christine and I travelled by 4WD 120km to a community that does not have an airfield, to where a boy's life was taken by a crocodile late last year. This was a fantastic opportunity to bring comfort and teach the Word of God to this fledging church, which has not had an outreach before.

Janet wants the Holy Spirit to
teach her wisdom
The weekend before last we went again to Sam's church. What is most encouraging to us is the way this church has grown steadily by 50% while we were away. This reflects the maturity of Reverend Sam Marika and Reverend Graeme Marawili, whom I have introduced to you previously. 

What is very exciting, is that Graeme is the first pastor/teacher (as a gift of Christ to the body - Eph 4) from the current outpouring that I have seen in Arnhem Land, and explains why this is probably the largest church of consistent attendance by Yolngu.

Last Friday we again held an outreach in Yirrkala. It was a memorial service for one of the ladies that first recognized the new move of God, when she saw, in the Spirit, fire burning over our meetings. She brought ladies to the initial meetings 5 years ago. She had been instrumental in the translation of the Bible over the last 30 years. As a result many Christians were gathered. It was a great opportunity to encourage, and at the same time teach the true Biblical way of honouring those who are their ancestors, without worshipping them. Then this last Sunday I taught from the Word of God. It felt like this was the first time in 5 years I could give them 'solid meat', yet they were hungry for more.

  • Pray for open doors into different communities after Friday's ministry.
  • Pray for Reverend Graeme as he attempts to build a united body of believers in Arnhem Land
  • Pray for the church that the Yolngu will grow in maturity and in unity, and with the spirit of revelation, knowledge and wisdom.
  • Pray for Reverend Sam, to step back into a more evangelist/itinerant minister. As the need for salvation of souls comes less critical, pray that he will grow in his spiritual authority, continuing to bring unity. Pray for him to mature into a fathering role of discipling leaders. Pray that as we look at ways of opening doors of ministry for him and his wife Rosemary, that they will rise to the new levels of responsibility and spiritual authority needed in Arnhem Land at this time.
  • Pray for greater unity between Reverend Sam and his nephew Gerard. It is critical to the next phase  that this happens, as both are strong leaders with a desire to see a mature unified Yolngu church. The enemy seems to continue to try and keep them operating separately, but in this next phase we need them to be able to work together.

Brief furlough to New Zealand in March/April.
We last got together with David and Naomi for a day in 2011. Part of our time in NZ will be spent with all the children for a bit longer this time!
This time there will be 8 hanging out together 

Christine and I will be returning to New Zealand from the 23rd March until 27th April for a brief furlough. Although this is a time primarily to meet with our supporters there will also be some family time. Our eldest daughter Emily is getting married in Feb 2014 so there are some things we need to organize there, as well as spend some time with the other children. Naomi and David will both be coming from Australia with their respective boyfriend and girlfriend, so it will be a fun time. Naomi has just returned from 3 months in Africa, attending Iris Bible School, and doing various outreaches, seeing a great harvest for the Kingdom of God. It has solidified her passion for mission as a nurse. David has finished his internship at a church in Bendigo. 

We  are hoping to catch up with as many of our supporters as we can, as well as looking for new prayer and financial supporters.

If you are wanting to catch up with us, please let us know as soon as possible. We will also be needing assistance with accommodation and a vehicle during this time, if anybody is able to help in this matter.

Illness challenges

Thank you to all who have been praying for us over these last 6 months, highlighted by my medivac out of South Sudan. I am pleased to say that with the help of God and some lifestyle changes I am able to overcome this sickness.
Christine has identified the cause of the sickness she has been fighting for 4 years. It is managed through diet as well, so we both are eating a lot healthier than we were a year or two ago. The main difficulty for her is when she travels away from home. At home she can choose the low salicylate and gluten free foods she requires, but when she travels it is hard for people giving us hospitality to cook for her as it is a little understood disease. 
  • Please pray for us both as we return to New Zealand for furlough in March and April, that we will easily be able to manage our diet there.
  • Pray for complete healing for Christine.

Shift of accommodation.

What a blessing to arrive back to a clean house, freshly painted inside, and totally refurbished with a new kitchen, laundry, bathroom, toilet, and brand new appliances including new AC units. A huge thank you to MAF and the maintenance staff that made it happen. There is a nice beach only 5 minutes drive away (but no swimming of course due to crocodiles and jellyfish). Importantly, we are still close  to our Yolngu friends and family.
Map of Gove Peninsula showing Nhulunbuy, Yirrkala and Gove

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